Parvo Awareness – Prevention is Better Than Cure
Vaccinate Your Puppy From 6 Weeks of Age to Prevent Parvo
Did you know:
Your dog doesn’t even have to leave the yard to contract the deadly virus
It doesn’t take much for the virus to spread. It can be carried into your backyard by stray dogs, on your shoes, or even by flies
Once present, the virus can survive in the environment for years
Affected dogs often develop severe vomiting and diarrhoea which may lead to a slow and painful death
Puppies are especially at risk
Last Year in the months of July and August our clinic alone saw more than 80 cases of parvo in Broome. Let’s get ahead of the outbreak this year; prevention is better than the cure.
If your dog is under 1 year’s old and has not had any vaccinations, the Broome Vet Hospital are offering the first parvo vaccine for only $50 for the months of May and June
Please call 9192 1319 to book an appointment or come and see us in reception.
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